Hello there and welcome to my digital complement!
My name is Robert Bozsak, I am a psychiatry and psychotherapy resident as well as former internal medicine resident and diabetes researcher from Dresden, Germany. On this website, you will find a selection of projects and thoughts that outline somewhat what I've done in the past.
Eyes Open - is the slogan of this website and the motto I try to live by. Keeping my eyes and mind open enables me to live and learn the unexpected. Interaction leads to controversy, inspiration and stimulates creativity. This collection is meant to be a digital "time capsule" of my ongoing process. Starting in 2011, my first webpage focused on thought-provoking philosophical blog posts that I wrote with a friend. Since its complete overhaul in 2017 and separation from my colleague, Eyes Open has been highlighting aspects of my personal background and has been serving as a digital complement.
Feel free to browse some of my work at school, medicine, the local community of Dresden, photography, music, and filming.
Currently, I am interested in expanding my knowledge in psychotherapy, focusing on schema therapy and psychedelic assisted-psychotherapy (PAP). In my opinion, PAP will - after decriminalization - most likely cause a paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic and/or therapy-resistant psychiatric conditions, promisingly in PTSD, depression and addiction. However, quality research still needs to be conducted to ensure a safe, targeted and effective use of these substances in a controlled environment.
Telemedicine, i.e. harnessing the potential of digitalization for medical treatment, remains of interest for me. It might be an exciting opportunity to bring my experience with project management, IT and marketing together with my medical profession, and a potential working environment in the future. In my spare time, I enjoy reading about politics, medicine and aviation. Also, producing and mixing music as well as publishing some of it gives me an ideal opportunity to live creativity.
If anything rings a bell with you, you might want to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.
favorite quote
Practicing the Art While Mastering the Science.

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